(12) (FULL CASE) 1Qt Wood Boiler Treatment, G2 W/Chemical Detection

  • $325.00

1 Qt Boiler Treatment Full Case (12)

Chemical Indicator Technology

The GEN2 Treatment

  • The Gen2 Treatment Solution 101 now contains a specific component that allows chemical detection and chemical level.

  • Monitoring to be done visually with a simple sample from the system. When you draw a sample from your system the water will be colored various shades of pink (watermelon).

  • Use a white sheet of paper as a background. 

  • A strong pink indicates great protection.  If only a light pink undertone appears or if your color has faded from previous samplings, either situation indicates the need for another dose.

  • Remember with G2 overdosing is not a critical issue.

  • Simple and Handy.

  • We still recommend testing the system as least annually as nothing replaces testing to be sure of proper chemical levels and system protection.


This listing is for one case of treatment. We recommend that one quart of treatment be added every 6 months to prevent corrosion and calcium buildup in your outdoor furnace.

Another piece of advice I would add is that you should top your furnace off in the spring until water is to the top of your vent pipe. This prevents oxygen from being able to attack your furnace.

This treatment works for both steel and stainless steel furnaces. Be sure to check your furnace warranty to be sure that you do not have to use their brand of treatment instead.

  • A proprietary outdoor wood boiler specific product - the consumer’s solution
  • Developed by professionals in the field of industrial water treatment
  • Will work in all makes and models of outdoor wood boilers, "open" or "closed" systems 
  • Full spectrum of corrosion inhibitors for both ferrous (iron) and yellow metal (copper and brass) system components for complete corrosion protection for your boiler and heat exchanger alike
  • An additional ferrous corrosion inhibitor is added that actually enables better film formation on the metal surface providing and forming a protective barrier
  • Calcium scale retarding polymers are added to help keep your heat transfer surfaces clean and efficient
  • Formulation has the ability to fight under deposit corrosion
  • Biodegradable and safe to use
  • Completely buffered and stabilized product
  • Safe for pumps, seals, Pex...your whole system
  • Easily test for chemical level with Wood Boiler Solutions LLC approved and inexpensive testing method
  • You won’t find a more concentrated product with these capabilities -1 quart will treat a full 200 GALLONS of boiler fill water
  • Quart size makes shipping far less expensive 
  • Compatible with glycol (antifreeze)
  • As simple to use as simple gets with the BEST in protection
Dosage: 1 quart per 200 gallons of system fill water

Directions for use: Add Treatment Solution 101™ directly to system following the recommended dosage rate. Not intended for systems containing aluminum or aluminum alloy components unless specifically advised by Wood Boiler Solutions, LLC.

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