Dealer Signup
1" Pex Crimp Tee--Bag of 10
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression Elbow Fitting--Bag of 4
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression MPT Male Pipe Thread Fitting--Bag of 4
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression Coupling Fitting--Bag of 2
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression Coupling Fitting--Bag of 4
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression Coupling Fittings Quantity (4)
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression Female Sweat Fitting--Bag of 2
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression FPT Female Pipe Thread Fitting--Bag of 4
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression MPT Male Pipe Thread Fitting--Bag of 2
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression Tee Fitting (4)
1" Pex-al-Pex Female Sweat Compression Fitting--Bag of 4
1/2" Pex crimp Coupling (Bag of 25) LEAD FREE!
1/2" Pex crimp Coupling (Bag of 50) LEAD FREE!
1/2" Pex crimp Elbow~Bag of 25~LEAD FREE!
1/2" Pex crimp Elbow~Bag of 50~LEAD FREE!
1/2" Pex Crimp Female Sweat ~Bag of 50~LEAD FREE!
1/2" Pex crimp FPT (Female pipe thread)~Bag of 50~LEAD FREE!
1/2" Pex Crimp Male Sweat ~Bag of 50~LEAD FREE!
1/2" Pex crimp MPT (Male Pipe Thread)~Bag of 50~LEAD FREE!
1/2" Pex Crimp Tee, bag of 25~LEAD FREE!
1/2" Pex Crimp Tee, bag of 50~LEAD FREE!
1/4" Pex Crimp Tee LEAD FREE! (Bag of 10)
11/4" Flanged Ball Val--Box of 2
12x24 Water to Air Heat Exchanger~~1" Copper Ports w/ EZ Install Front Flange
2" Pex Crimp Coupling~~LEAD FREE! Bag of 4
2" Pex Crimp Elbow~~LEAD FREE! Bag of 4
2" Pex Crimp MPT (Male Pipe Thread) , LEAD FREE! (Bag of 4)
2" Pex Crimp Rings--Bag of 10
3/4" Crimp Plug~~Bag of 25~~LEAD FREE!
3/4" Crimp Ring--Bag of 100
3/4" Crimp Ring--Bag of 50
3/4" Female Pipe Thread Pex Crimp~LEAD FREE! Bag of 25