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1" Pex-al-Pex Compression MPT Male Pipe Thread Fitting--Bag of 4
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression Coupling Fitting--Bag of 2
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression Coupling Fitting--Bag of 4
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression Coupling Fittings Quantity (4)
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression Female Sweat Fitting--Bag of 2
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression FPT Female Pipe Thread Fitting--Bag of 4
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression MPT Male Pipe Thread Fitting--Bag of 2
1" Pex-al-Pex Compression Tee Fitting (4)